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Trauma therapy sp2024-01-21T11:38:26+01:00

Trauma therapy and trauma processing

For processing a traumatic event, an end to repeating patterns, an answer to: ‘who am I, really?’, in short: to live or to survive?

Trauma therapy and trauma processing

For processing a traumatic event, an end to repeating patterns, an answer to: 'who am I, really?', in short: to live or to survive?

You are looking for help. You are close to getting stuck or are already stuck. Maybe in your relationship, in a depression or burnout. Trauma therapy or trauma processing is very suitable for this.

I offer therapeutic facilitation in finding your answer to life questions such as:

  • Processing your trauma, including that of sexual abuse or a destructive partner or parent relationship,
  • Processing grief and loss,
  • Maintaining happy and fulfilling relationships,
  • Gaining self-confidence,
  • Discovering your feelings and being able to express it,
  • Finding your meaning in life,
  • No longer giving yourself away and being able to limit yourself well.

You just want to be happy.

Our heritage determines the successful or limiting patterns and identifications with which we enter our adult life. You take this own way into relationships at work and privately, it determines how you give direction to your life. I am experienced practitioner and largely experience expert in these areas; therefore I can facilitate you.

I have regained control over my life and feel a lot freer. – Karin

Inner-Tree loPT trauma therapy facilitates a.o. with the following:

  • Healthy autonomy, Space & boundaries, Rage and anger, Expressing feelings & needs, Desire, Power & impotence, Personal leadership, Work & private balance
  • Fears, Panic, PTSD, Chronic Stress, Perfectionism
  • Contact & connection, Communication, Loneliness & displacement, Partner relationships, Collaboration problems, Parent & child relationship, Guilt & shame
  • Physical & Embodiment, Awareness, (Violated) Sexuality, (Emotional) Abusive Relationships, Attachment & Bonding, Abandonment & Commitment Anxiety,
  • Mourning, Loss, Infidelity in the relationship, Hate
  • Self-confidence, Self-esteem, Meaning, Vulnerability, Inner critic
  • Pointlessness, Despair, Depression
  • Illness & health, Physical complaints & Somatic insufficiently explained complaints (MUPS), Burn-out and Bore-out, Sleep disturbance

With the loPT intention method trauma therapy you discover

find new sides and life force in yourself, solve old fears and develop your own identity. Profound and transformative. So that you are in the middle of life with less effort and more satisfaction.

Sytze facilitated me very sensitively and made me see my illusion again and again. - Bauke

In a session of one hour, Sytze facilitated me very sensitively through a short intake and an extensive constellation. As a result, I was able to make a very big step in a situation with which I have been struggling for quite some time. On the spot and also in the time afterwards, it has become much clearer about myself. And still works because it has given me a new key element about myself. What struck me most was Sytze's extremely respectful questioning and sometimes also plainly stating that I was giving a 'socially desirable' answer. Time and again (he) recognized the illusion that I (especially myself) held up to, and very effectively managed to pierce through it and also made me see that illusion. Managed to get around my resistances, defense patterns. I have experienced this approach as very pleasant and it has brought me great clarity in my issue. Sytze, many thanks for the pleasant person and thorough coach that you are.

IoPT is fundamentally different

IoPT made it clear which dynamics were playing in my subconscious, which can be felt in my body. Dynamics like: doing everything to find love and attention, not to feel the unwanted and abandoned, not to feel my terrified little boy. With IoPT I can feel where I am moving away from myself, not being in my strength, where I am losing my vitality.

What's going on with you?

About Sytze, IoPT psychotrauma practitioner: been there, done that

For a long time I lived under the illusion that I come from a role model family. I lived with the illusion that time heals everything, that 'going on' was the best way to deal with inner conflict, turmoil and emptiness. Until I got a burnout in the early 2000s and I found out that I was stuck in myself, in my work and my relationship. I had become exactly the way my parents wanted me to be.

It was only after I came into contact with IoPT and applied the signs of early childhood attachment trauma to myself that I was able to see and understand why I was who I was; I was traumatized and had lived solely from survival strategies. My own healthy self had gone underground. I had to dig up my own 'I', my own identity. Where I was previously facilitated by most coaches and therapists on awareness and on my behavior, so on the symptoms, IoPT is fundamentally different.

I am now grateful and happy with myself and with my life, just the way it turned out. Having lived through those experiences deeply, I can now facilitate you.

As a coach, Sytze does not stop being human; without him I wouldn't be where I am now. – C.S.

Sytze is a very dedicated coach. Human being. As a coach, he does not stop being human. Without him I wouldn't be where I am now. The most important thing I learned from him is to accept my emotions, to work with them, as an integral part of myself. Literally taking time for myself. To feel my body again where it had frozen. He felt or saw in the session where I was stuck and managed to make me aware of it, the subject was often immediately explored in depth. And that gave me tools to continue with it myself next time. I definitely recommend Sytze!

About the working method with the IoPT therapy

IoPT is something very different from the usual. It is not based on symptoms that need to be combated, but on early childhood developmental trauma that repeats itself in later life. The developer of the theory Prof. dr. Dr. Franz Ruppert distinguishes the traumas of identity, of love, of sexuality, of victim/perpetrator dynamics in relationships.
Traumas block healthy psychological development and later in life cause symptoms such as illnesses, depression, anxiety, the inability to maintain happy relationships / attachment problems, sleep disorders and much more. Your body knows what your head forgets.

With IoPT you experience exactly what the unconscious reasons are why you block yourself in your desires. IoPT goes straight to your core, you get to know yourself to the depths of your core, what your deepest pains are and how you can strengthen your healthy self, your healthy autonomy, from there. You integrate head, heart and soul with your body by feeling, seeing, acknowledging and understanding it; this is it for me—then and until now—but no longer. This gives peace to your system, a deep sense of “this is me and this is what I want” and self-confidence.

Working at the core transforms everything. This is how you strengthen your own identity.

I feel much more like the man in my relationship now; I seek less validation and stand up for myself more without compromising others. – Anton

My problem was not straightforward. Despite the fact that I had been working on personal development, my relationship was not going well and I was not aware that I had never properly processed a lot of old grief. I got stuck.
I turned to Sytze and we started a journey together. Not always fun or easy. And the moment I thought I was ready, I experienced a breakthrough. Thank you Sytze, for you had the patience to guide me for as long as it took.
I feel much more like the man in my relationship now. I seek less validation and stand up for myself more without compromising others.

If you really want to change something, it's time for the next step.

Quality and professionalism are my top priority. To underline that, you can determine after the first session whether working with me brings you anything.

It is time.

Achieve noticeable change in your relationship and therfor in your happiness in life.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Request to fill in intake form (individual)2023-09-13T16:21:18+02:00
Dit is alleen zichtbaar als je ingelogd bent.
Request Customer Information2023-09-14T00:26:45+02:00
Individual sessions or a series of sessions?2023-09-14T00:25:34+02:00

When you have a question and decide to do something about it, when you run into a recurring pattern, you know you’re running into something persistent. Otherwise you would have changed yourself already, right?

With these types of questions, it is self-evident that you have not acquired your insight, your awareness of how you are doing it and your integration of your new way in one session. Not infrequently, after the most pressing ‘symptoms’ have been examined, the themes that really matter emerge. The real transformation is in working with this.

That is why I work with short programs of 7 sessions in which an initial session to experience whether our collaboration works for you, 5 or 6 follow-up sessions and a conclusion.

One-off sessions are also possible. For example, a question like “why can’t I sleep when I have to sign a big contract?” can be explained as a coaching question for 1 session. Of course, the deeper pattern can also be seen in which case a series of sessions is more appropriate.


My working method is characterized by experience-oriented work. I teach you a new way of looking at and communicating with yourself. A new way of self-examination and a new way of self-awareness. The starting point is always your specific question. This is a desire, intention or the answer to the question of what you really want. For me, your autonomy is central; you determine your personal development.

I mainly work with IoPT* and the intention method (also known as Self Resonances). Thinking from early childhood attachment trauma using IoPT has influenced me greatly. With IoPT I have found a method and theory that can really explain our behavior. With IoPT I get directly to your essence and facilitate your transformation. It has the fastest, most profound and lasting effect of transforming that I know of.
*IoPT stands for Identity-oriented psychotrauma theory and therapy.

With the intention method you introduce your desire or intention. You discover where you are true to yourself, where you are adapting or where you feel your trauma pain. Your body knows the answers to what you do not (anymore) know consciously. With my facilitation you will integrate your more unconscious processes from your early childhood with the more conscious processes from the present. This way you can transform at the deepest level, causing everything to change.

I ‘listen’ to what you show, to what you say and especially to what is palpable. Because the formation of once determines what happens now. I give you text and explanation about your patterns so that you can post your experiences and do things differently. You learn to recognize what is there without judgment (consciousness), to feel physically and emotionally (awareness) and you learn to really be connected to what is happening on the emotional layer (intimacy, deep contact). This way you go home with a new realization every session.

Do you really want to experience my working method? You are welcome in the groups (introduction workshops, year group supervision).
You are also welcome for an individual appointment so that we can work one-on-one on your themes.

Typically, 7 sessions, including the first, are sufficient for a major inner transformation. An intake is not required.

How many sessions are needed?2023-09-14T16:23:58+02:00

Typically, 7 sessions, including the first, are sufficient for a major inner transformation.
An intake is not necessary.

With Identity-oriented psychotrauma theory and therapy (IoPT) I have found the fastest, most in-depth method and theory with lasting effects. With IoPT you get directly to your essence and I facilitate your transformation.

Why is IoPT still so unknown?2023-09-14T16:49:13+02:00

Only in the last 20 years has attention been paid to trauma in psychology and neurobiology. Prof. Dr. Franz Ruppert (Munich) is one of the pioneers. In 2004 he laid the foundation for Constellations based on Multigenerational PsychoTraumatology (OMPT), but has deepened and refined the method into Identity oriented Psychotrauma Theory and therapy (IoPT).

This term is used internationally and is based on knowledge and insights from attachment theory, psychotraumatology and systemic work. From the beginning of 2017, the focus of the methodology has been entirely on the “intention bringer” himself.

It is a method that is increasingly gaining ground in the Netherlands, other European countries, Singapore and recently the USA.

What is the difference with traditional psychotherapy?2023-09-14T17:03:37+02:00

I would like to say a few things about regular psychotherapy that are relevant here;

  1. Psychotherapy is a speech therapy that requires you to know things (memory) and be able to reason about them (cognition). It is ‘linguistic’ and is not focused on physical experiences (think of the time when we could not speak or name things).
  2. It has no clear framework or theory for ‘complex’ trauma. The diagnostic manual (DSM-5) only recognizes the category PTSD after a single trauma.
  3. The “treatment” in the vast majority of schools consists of cognitive behavioral therapies including schema and systems theory. Apparently reasonable results are achieved with EMDR*. EMDR resets the brain connection; the original trauma experiences are not processed even though the brain is no longer in constant alarm mode. In addition, art therapy is used to experience feelings. In other words people are taught to “deal with it”; not to repair the deep psychological split and thus process trauma. An example of cognitive behavioral therapy is: Are you afraid? What’s causing it now? Then this is what you can think of and do now to not be so afraid.(*)
  4. There are schools of thought that say that ‘sensitisation’ (re-exposure to the trauma or to the perpetrator) has a healing effect (*).

Our greatest development takes place before the age of four (9 months in the womb and approximately 3 years after birth). Our memory and cognitive brain only develop around our 3rd birthday. This means that psychotherapy cannot reach this important period. See, for example, the film “In Utero”.

IoPT, however, does have a theoretical framework and a method that can work with the pre-verbal development phase. and can heal in there. IoPT assumes early childhood attachment trauma from the very beginning. We have been conscious beings since conception and everything we cannot process we store in our bodies.

*) In IoPT we refer to this as installing a new survival strategy over the complaints that come from a different coping mechanism
Ourphysical and emotional complaints arise becauseour organism cannot deal with the reality of trauma and the stress it causes.

Coaching, therapy, counseling; what is the difference?2023-09-14T17:11:43+02:00

Coaching is guiding people with their personal and professional development questions. Coaching is focused on goals, results and insight into the current situation.

Counseling (or: psychosocial therapy) is support in learning to deal better with current personal themes through talk therapy. Through conversations you gain insight into feelings or insecurities and learn to make positive changes. It is aimed at self-insight and self-management.

(Psycho-)Therapy is a very broad field that aims to help someone who struggles with their life, health or with aspects thereof such as not being able to have happy relationships (with others or themselves) or not being able to process traumatic events.
Let me say what I offer. With IoPT you work experience-oriented on the cause of your conscious and unconscious beliefs, behavior and health. You get a very clear picture of what your patterns are, why they are there and you develop your own way free from dependencies on others. You integrate and heal your internal splits. No longer going along or against it, but your way. Therapy resolves a large number of problems and symptoms and helps you to be healthy, autonomous and develop your own identity.

Supervision is learning to reflect on one’s own actions in a professional context.



Private rate* (excluding VAT)

€135 per coaching session of approximately one and a half hours

Business self-employed rate (excluding VAT)

€150 per coaching session of approximately one and a half hours

€1197 for a series of 7 sessions totalling 10.5+ hours of coaching (7 sessions of one and a half hours) plus extras. See the pages what the offer entails.

Business rate (excluding VAT)

€250 per coaching session of approximately one and a half hours

On location I work within an hour and a half drive from Breda. Request a quote.

Coaching is never reimbursed, but it is deductible for company tax or income tax.

Rates last set: 2020-03-01


Private rate*
(no VAT)

€135 per one and a half hour therapy session

€1097 for a series of 7 sessions totalling 10.5+ hours of coaching (7 sessions of one and a half hours) plus extras. Click here to pay.

Therapy is reimbursed by health insurers in the supplementary package and is exempt from VAT.

** This only applies to Dutch citizens.

Rate last set: 2016-12-31

Couples therapy

Private rate* (inclusive VAT)

€135 per couple per hour. Sessions typically last two hours.

€1299 for a series of 5 sessions of two hours.

€1799 for a series of 7 sessions totalling 14+ hours of facilitation (7 sessions of two hours).

For restoring relationships between colleagues, see the business rate.

If one of the partners needs individual help, this usually falls under Therapy.

Couples therapy is only reimbursed by a single health insurer in the supplementary package; inform yourself well!
That is why VAT is charged on relationship therapy (just like with coaching).

Rate last set: 2023-01-01


€7.50 support via video calls per 5 minutes (maximum 20 minutes) between scheduled appointments. This is in addition to sessions, not a replacement.

Cancel or Annul appointment – workshop – training2023-09-13T23:17:47+02:00

Cancellation Workshops

Cancellation within 1 weeks before the start: 50% return
Cancellation within 2 weeks before the start: 75% return
Cancellation up to 2 weeks before the start: free of charge

Cancellation Supervision Year Group

Cancellation within 4 weeks before the start: 25% return
Cancellation within 6 weeks before the start: 50% return
Cancellation within 8 weeks before the start: 70% return
Cancellation up to 8 weeks before the start: free of charge

Cancellation Vocational Training Year Group

Cancellation within 4 weeks before the start: no refund
Cancellation within 6 weeks before the start: 50% return
Cancellation within 8 weeks before the start: 70% return
Cancellation up to 8 weeks before the start: free of charge

Cancellation Training or Continuing Education

Cancellation within 2 weeks before the start: no refund
Cancellation within 4 weeks before the start: 50% return
Cancellation up to 4 weeks before the start: free of charge

Couples therapy

Cancellation up to 48 hours: free of charge I try to be flexible; if the appointment can be moved within the same week, it is in principle free of charge. If not, you pay for the session of 2 hours. If you cancel, we will immediately schedule a replacement appointment.

Coaching & Therapy

Cancellation up to 24 hours: free of charge I try to be flexible; if the appointment can be moved within the same week, it is in principle free of charge. If not, you pay for the session. If you cancel, we will immediately schedule a replacement appointment.

Have you tested positive for Covid-19? Cancellations are then free of charge. You can, however, consider working online.

Reimbursement by health insurers2023-09-13T23:18:34+02:00

You may be entitled to reimbursement from all health insurers.

To qualify, the following criteria apply:

  • You must have Dutch supplementary health insurance for this
  • It only applies to (trauma) therapy.
  • Workshops with IoPT intention constellations also meet ‘therapy’.

Your package then determines how much compensation you are entitled to.

Coaching and couples therapy are not covered by insurance. (This is the reason there is no VAT exemption)

For 2023 see:

Low income and need help?2023-09-13T23:16:00+02:00

If you receive social assistance benefits, live on student loans or have a municipal policy, you will receive a 25% discount on the rates. In any case, please contact us so that facilitation is possible!
If you have another financing problem, we may be able to discuss deferred and/or payment in instalments.

Login to your account2023-09-13T16:41:24+02:00
Accessibility in times of crisis2024-02-29T15:53:42+01:00

Inner-Tree is not set up for crisis service or crisis care.
If you have questions in the period between the appointments or if you want to contact us, you can of course do so. Schedule your appointment here (click here).

Accessibility: Public transport to Breda practice2020-04-23T16:45:10+02:00

The practice in Breda can be reached by public transportation (OV):

From Breda (Central) train station: bus 4 towards Haagse Beemden. Get off at the Lange Slagen stop.

From Breda Prinsenbeek train station: bus 2 towards Haagse Beemden. Get off at the Lange Slagen stop.

Accessibility: Car and Parking practice Breda2023-09-09T08:55:30+02:00

The practice in Breda can be reached by car:

Route by car:

The easiest route is via the A16 (Rotterdam-Antwerp), take exit 17 “Breda Noord”.

Then turn left to “Breda Noord”.

Then first turn left “Westerhagelaan”; continue for a few kilometers to the first bump in the road. Turn left there and then take the second left.


There is free parking in front of the door in the indicated spaces.

Reachability: Accessibility in the Breda practice2023-09-14T00:16:31+02:00

The practice in Breda is accessible:

The practice room is on the 1st floor and can only be reached via the stairs.

If you have difficulty walking, video calling is a very good alternative. This is a very effective way, with the same depth, the same results and the same personal contact.

Video calling or meeting physically?2023-09-14T00:21:43+02:00

Video calling is always a very good medium. If you live too far from the Netherlands or Breda/Utrecht, or if you want to save travel time or costs, (video) calling is a very good alternative.

Being physically together has the advantage that you see each other’s entire bodies and can perceive all non-verbal signals that are not visible when only your head is in the picture. When we work in groups, we can express resonances in the room – by standing far away or not, by turning towards you or not – and come to each other to give support. The downside is that you can be overwhelmed.

In contrast, video calling brings enormous focus. It seems as if the contact is even more intense because the faces are prominently visible. This is consistent with the polyvagal theory, which states that we attune to each other through micro-expressions in the face. Sensing each other (resonating) is just as strong as being physically together; even if the other is in Singapore. Because not everyone can talk over each other, there is even more focus on the essence.
Video calling works slightly differently, but to everyone’s surprise, working online works extremely well.

Summarizing; there is just as much personal contact, the same depth, the same result.

Since mid-2019 I have been working with 1-on-1 telephone consultations and since March 2020 with image calling for 1-on-1 sessions and with groups.

Informed Consent – why?2023-09-13T23:22:37+02:00

Before your first appointment, you will receive a so-called Informed Consent from me by email. The informed consent is part of the VIV’s code of practice. It should always be read and/or signed before or during the first appointment. If it is not signed and you attend the appointment, you are deemed to have agreed to its contents.

“The informed consent is a signed statement from the client, who indicates that he is fully informed and agrees with the proposed treatments and rights obtained from the treatment. It must be clear to the client what the treatment method is. From a legal perspective, the client has therefore made a decision based on good and complete information.

The Healthcare Quality, Complaints and Disputes Act (Wkkgz), health insurers as well as other semi- and government agencies and our insurance company for the professional/business liability insurance endorse the importance of informed consent. This confirms the professionalism of the VIV and the practitioner.”


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Professional code2023-09-14T00:11:16+02:00

I comply with the VIV professional code, which can be read on the VIV website.

Informed Consent – (trauma) therapy series of sessions2023-09-14T00:13:29+02:00

Before the first appointment you will receive a so-called informed consent.
This contains a number of matters, such as that I am affiliated with a professional association and complaints committee, that I have a duty to file and that I comply with the GDPR and a number of other matters. When you come you are deemed to have agreed to it.

Informed Consent – addition due to Covid-19 rules (download)2023-09-14T00:27:34+02:00

Rules we adhere to for your and my health

Certain rules have been drawn up by my professional organization for your and my safety because the Coronavirus is still active. You are expected to read and respect them, just as I am obliged to follow them.

PS: When you make an appointment via via the online calendar, you will automatically receive the questions before the appointment.

For your reference the document is here.

Safe Incident Reporting (VIM)2023-09-14T00:35:53+02:00

Part of the Healthcare Quality, Complaints and Disputes Act (Wkkgz) is the section on Safe Incident Reporting (VIM).

The “learning from incidents” guide for small healthcare providers contains the definition of incidents:

“In providing care or treating clients, actions can go wrong or turn out differently than expected. We then speak of an incident. The definition of an incident is: ‘an unintended or unexpected event that relates to the quality of care and has led, could have led or could lead to harm to the client.”

VIM is (only) concerned with patient safety. There are 3 levels of incidents:

  • All incidents must be recorded in the VIM system, with the aim of learning from them (Article 9);
  • incidents that have or may have noticeable consequences for the client in the future must be reported to the client and a note must be made in the client file (Article 10);
  • incidents that have led to death or serious consequences for the client must be reported to the IGZ as a disaster (Article 11).

The step-by-step plan is:

  1. Register incidents
  2. Discuss with professional colleagues in intervision
  3. See whether lessons can be learned from the recorded incidents.
  4. Record this discussion and the conclusions drawn from it, including measures to be taken for improvement.
  5. Implement the intended improvement measures.
  6. After a while, check whether the measures are having an effect and record this.

The practice arranged the observance with Muriel Venus of Venus Constellations. I can also recommend a number of other colleagues from the IoPT network.

Below is the text of the observance:

Sytze Wierda
Inner-Tree coaching & trauma therapie
Kromme Slagen 19
4823LL Breda
+31 6 28 38 38 03

Muriel Venus
Venus Constellations Burn-out & Trauma therapie
Hollandse Toren 31
3511BN Utrecht
+31 6 81 46 10 00

Sytze Wierda (hereinafter referred to as: practice owner) and Muriel Venus (hereinafter referred to as: observant) hereby declare that they have agreed as follows:

  1. Clients who come for trauma therapy are autonomous, self-reliant people who take their own responsibility for their well-being and plan appointments when they feel necessary with the counselor/therapist they choose.
  2. The observance agreement is primarily about guaranteeing privacy and destruction of files in the event of the death of the practice owner and informing his customer base.
    Secondarily, this agreement is intended to offer clients continuity, should they wish, in the absence of the practice owner.
  3. The practice owner and observant have not made any agreements about a second observant who will take over the observance if, due to circumstances, the observant cannot act for the practice owner during his or her absence.
  4. The client has given the practice owner permission to allow observant(s) to inspect his/her file and to exchange data with observant(s).
  1. In principle, the practice owner will facilitate his clients himself. Only in the event of (expected) long-term absence will he post a notification on his website and/or send out a mailing, after which the observant will treat and/or speak to the practice owner’s clients.
  2. The observant is not permitted to continue treating clients of the practice owner who were treated during the observance period after that period without the express permission of the practice owner.
  1. Observer has demonstrable knowledge and experience with the practice owner’s treatment methods.
  2. Both the practice owner and observant are experienced in providing guidance with video calling. The observance will take place via video calling, unless the observant agrees otherwise with the clients.
  3. Observant is responsible for the assistance and advice provided to the client during the period of observance. Observant has a valid liability and legal expenses insurance.
  4. Observant works on his own account. This means that clients enter into a new – but temporary – agreement with the observant on his terms. If the client has paid in advance to the practice owner, the VAT-exempt proceeds will be settled with the observant.
  1. The practice owner and observant are both independently established. The practice owner is affiliated and is registered with organizations through which he is qualified as a healthcare provider by health insurers. The observant is not affiliated and in the context above is not a healthcare provider. As a result, a number of regulations and laws do not apply.
  2. When carrying out their observance agreements, the practice owner and observant(s) are bound by the content of the applicable legal provisions, such as those included in the General Data Protection Regulation Act (GDPR), possibly the Medical Treatment Agreement Act (WGBO), the rules with regard to professional secrecy and any other legal regulations regarding the processing of healthcare data.
  1. The observant has been informed by the practice owner of the working methods in his practice, such as the method of reporting and the form and duration of the treatments. Client files have been discussed and the practice owner has clearly conveyed what is expected of the observant.
  2. The observant transfers all matters belonging to the practice owner and/or his clients back to the practice owner immediately after the observance period. The observant also provides the practice owner with feedback on the period of observance as soon as possible after the observance period.
  3. If the observant is unable to treat clients of the practice owner during the observance period, the observant must inform the clients concerned in advance or make an agreement in accordance with the above with another observant agreed in advance with the practice owner.
  4. The observance agreement can be terminated with a notice period of 6 months.

What do my customers say?

Elke sessie had ik het gevoel dat het precies paste bij dat wat ik nodig had. - Anita


Ik heb meer vertrouwen in mijn kunnen; ik heb een groter inzicht gekregen in mijn emoties waardoor er meer stroomt! - E.H.


Sytze is een coach in optima forma; hij beheerst de kunst van het luisteren en begeleidt je bij het zelf ontdekken. - Wout


De rust en de juist gestelde vragen gaven mij het gevoel "er is iemand die mij begrijpt”. - Anita


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